4am to 7am, to be exact
I would trade the whole day for the first few hours of morning, 4am to 7am to be exact. When the navy sea of the night fades to reveal a pale blue air that brings crisp fresh chills and the hardworking people of the morning commute. I would sip my black sharp cup of warmth and smile through the glass at the children trudging to their bus stops, lunches in hand and mothers waving behind doors wearing matching plush slippers and robes. I would smile at the sleepy folk readying themselves for their tiring day. I would see the joggers making use of their sinews and joints and touch my muscles entertaining the idea of a morning stroll myself but I would then have to move from this sight and that would not do. I would trade the rest of the afternoon, the night, the people and, the stars all gone for those feelings however short lived they may be.