The hinges on the door almost broke off as it flung open from the force of David’s foot and slammed against the wall. The corner stuck a bit before resting back in it’s original position. We all knew what was going to happen.
“Where the fuck are my reports!?” David screamed at the top of his lungs, directing his anger at anyone who was looking in his direction, which was just about everyone.
“David, calm down. You don’t need to act like this in front of everyone, it’s embarassing.” Linda pleaded with him.
“No, no, I’m going to get my reports, and you assholes are going to give them to me. If I don’t see something on my desk in 30 seconds, you’re all fired!”
No one knew what to do. They’d all heard that he got mad like this if things didn’t go this way, but none of them had actually worked with him before, so they didn’t know if he was serious. A couple nervous smiles flashed, trying to lighten the mood, but nothing could calm him down.
“Seriously, David, let’s get your pants back on and get you to bed.”