
The Legend of Gabriel: A True Story. Chapter One: A Hero is Born

Atop Mount Snowdon there is a single cave, hidden from the sight of mere mortals. It is here that our story begins, as Gabriel was created from the magick that floats in the air by the Fae Queen, Esteleda.

She drew all of the magick from the sacred cove and poured it into one form. All the magicks of the world combined to create one mortal capable of lasting legend: dark and light, lust and romance, destruction and hope – a Pandora’s Box never to be opened. With one kiss, the magick took its form and sealed itself to roam the land.

He was placed on this Earth for two reasons: to awe others with his literary prowess and to give the lives of the people that touched his heart a little more magick.

And so begins the legend of Gabriel, revered from the highest of Kings in their marble towers to the lowest of peasants in the slums of Beijing, all starting with one kiss.

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