see that is why a pic is so important. Here you are, featured artist, and you didnt even take enough time to select a pic. I love this fic it was fresh and thought provoking, but it still has no pic. wait that isnt even no pic, its the stock, one size fits all pic. It say in a monotone drone, hey i am asserting my individuality in the exact identical way, that others are asserting theirs. Wouldn’t you say that a writer of your potential, should at least have SOME kind of different pic? Come on man get a pic.
Cool powers for a character. Definitely has the potential for a decent plot. I would write this horribly. Given such powers, a character of mine would do such complete bullshit with computers that people would say “Die Hard 4” was well researched.
i have seen this idea used before, the techno-psychic.. Your first-person style is dry, so i expect dry humor in the future of this story! I like dry humor.