Note: “mech eng” is a mechanical engineer. At tech schools, these are the guys with access to machine shops, part printers, and other fabrication equipment.
I know someone who as a dream of building a computer inside a suitcase, all steam punk, for aesthetics. :) I like the way the character gets hung up on the ludicrousness of building a laptop, then seems awed and finally weirded out by it. that’s some development!
Woah. Although i’m not very knowledgeable with this kind of stuff, i loved to build Legos as a kid. Does that count? Anyways, great short story and fun/wacky characters.
Woah. Although i’m not very knowledgeable with this kind of stuff, i loved to build Legos as a kid. Does that count? Anyways, great short story and fun/wacky characters.