I remember the day it happened. It was one of the saddest days of my life. We were all in the hospital just , sort of waiting in a sense. My grandmother was going to die. We all knew it was going to happen, when was the question. With every breath she got one step closer. Mutters of sadness echoed through the room and out the hall. I still wanted to hold on for her. I wished I hadn’t been so stupid. I wanted just one more day with her and I would be the happiest boy alive. But I couldn’t have it. My grandfather was the saddest, he had spent 40 years with her and now it just ends like that. The doctors said she was close now. About an half an hour later she leaned in next to my grandfather and said one thing. Ill give you one more then I’m out . She took a deep breath and it was over. All the energy left the room. We sat there in silence, everything was quiet except for the flat line of the heart monitor . She was gone. I will remember that day for the rest of my life.