
What Is Death

(Awaken.) He looks around. Confusion invades his mind like a swarm of
buzzing insects. (Where is he?) (What had happened here?) He tries to
stand up, but he has forgotten how. He stumbles, but struggles to his
feet eventually. He looks around. There is dust and ash and soot
blanketing the dismal horizon. To the left is nothing.
(What is nothing?) To the right is nothing. (Where is nothing?) To the
back is absolutely nothing. (Why is nothing?) To the front of him is a
monstrous and terrifying future of decaying memories. He tries to call
for help, but his tongue finds no words to speak, so he just yells
savagely, a man among rubble. He stumbles toward the only light he can
see, a burning pickup truck, screaming ragefully. (Why is rage?)

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