

I am the last member of the human race. The rest of my species was wiped out by the massive outbreak of influenza, caused by the genetic warfare tactics used in WWIII.
There is nothing left of my world now.
Things have reverted backed to the old ways, back when nature ruled the world.
With nothing else to do, I spend my worthless life observing the miracles of Earth. It has only been ten years since the war, and this land has already healed itself a tremendous amount.
I watch as the mountains learn to straighten their backbones, and stand tall with pride.
I observe the clear waters as they dance onto the shining white shores.
I listen to the wind as it calls to me at night.
I understand why my forefathers were so enchanted with this land to begin with.
It is such a shame that my kind did not treat it well.

Once I am gone, and my kind is forever banished, the world will be at an equilibrium.
The world will be okay.

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