I immediately know I’ve made a terrible mistake.
My heart skips a beat; a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach – a feeling that is both familiar and alien – overtakes me; an unmistakable, yet inaudible, voice in my head screams at me, but I can’t grasp the voice’s meaning.
It’s as if the voice is yelling from behind soundproof glass, put in place by my damaged psyche.
Still, I’ve answered the call.
I’ve rung the bell.
I’ve pulled the trigger.
I’ve done something I can’t undo.
Might as well continue down this path that’s been laid for me by unseen, unknown hands.
“Who is this,” I ask, expecting nothing.
“I cannot say, Mr. Smith.”
“I thought as much.”
“Mr. Smith, listen closely. Time is limited, even for us…”
A hand grips my shoulder and whips my body around to face a tall, silhouetted man, wearing businessman attire, holding a cellphone to his ear…and staring at me.
This man tells me:
“If you wish to live…if you desire the return of your memory…you’d better follow my lead…”