Thunder in the Wood
He ran through the wood at the edge of the park, the beautiful flatirons jutting up from beyond. Panting, he was trying to establish contact with a damsel in distress, all he could hear was her yelling “Moby!” He stumbled and almost fell. Just regaining his composure and scrambling before coming upright, he stopped.
On the ground before him was a weapon. It could kill things, it must have come from outer space. He picked up the weapon and brandished it proudly. She would be very proud once he saved her and that he could defend against attacks. He snapped back into focusing on the mission at hand. Suddenly, there she was! Standing there on a familiar trail in the wood. She was safe! He ran up next to her and asked if she was alright. Had she seen any monsters? Did she hear anything coming after her?
Just then there was a clapping in a distance that reverberated in the wood. “Davie! WHERE ARE YOU! It is time to go!” Putting the weapon down and saying his goodbyes, Davie ran and jumped into the car grinning.