Dr Davos, The Replication
“We’ll call it the worm” Dr. Davos proclaimed as the four men returned to their lab from dinner. “But worms don’t have leg, doctor”, Franklin responded.
“Have some imagination my boy, it’s more its actions than its appearance that describes my dream”.
Franklin again didn’t understand, but nodded anyway. “So then what will it do?”
The other men knew, just as the doctor did, what Franklin never could. The doctor’s creation would search the streets of london, looking to replicate itself.
“Doctor, what will it do? It’s not going to do something bad right?” The doctor had no intention of dealing with Franklin’s moral crisis right now, he had important instructions to complete for his invention, the final commands that would tell the machine how to send and receive messages.
“Go have a drink at the pub, Franklin. We’ll need you again in the morning.” Dr. Davos mumbled as he sat down at his table and grasped the head of the mechanical device he had recently named.