
Dragons Down

The massive airship plummeted toward the earth, flames billowing from its fuselage. It was not alone. An entire fleet of airships were under attack by the Dark Army’s smaller, faster craft. There was nothing they could do.

“Dragons, slain by wasps,” said Admiral Dursett, observing the scene from the safety of the Enterprise, the greatest airship in the Kingdom’s fleet.

“What was that?” asked High Chancellor Drugan.

“Nothing. The battle here is lost; our men are forfeit. Let us make to a hasty retreat.”

Comprehension crossed the faces of all present, and all mourned the loss. But orders were orders, and they went about their tasks with diligence and speed.

“Set a course for Icarus, we must alert the King and regroup our forces.”

On the ground, all soldiers turned their eyes skyward as they watched their lives burn away.

It did not take long.

And then all was still.

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