
The Beast at Earth's Edge

A faint howl in the distance pierces the night. The monsters we have created, lumbering to rampant life, are heading even now toward our village. Nuclear weapons biding their time. Itching with purposes unfulfilled as hopeful fingers tremble near buttons.

Bunker busters and tactical nukes. Suitcase bombs and terrorist acts. Power plant accidents and leaking wastes. Plutonium launched into space in rockets known to explode. And depleted uranium poisoning the battlefield and depopulating the land. Chemical warheads and biological black magics. Sarin and soleman and vx and phosgene. Anthrax and smallpox and plague. Enough the take out entire cities. Enough to cover the planet. And they don’t care who let’s them out, as long as they get to play.

Other nasties lurch towards us on their own. Old friends, new creations and recent escapees. Ebola, Marberg, Lahsa and Sars. Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Hiv and Aids. The rebound of Tuberculosis, Cholera, Malaria and Typhus. Cancers that eat our very flesh.

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