The Scraping Claw Down Our Necks
The new monsters peer over the horizon. Good intentions spliced to blind arrogance and numbing greed. Franken foods and terminator seeds. Herbicide tolerant and pesticide laced crops. Patented life. Barely tested, quietly ticking. Let loose upon the land. As if their creators, having looked at the world, managed to learn nothing at all.
The monster’s howls grow frenzied. Chemicals in our land our sky our rain our rivers our food our bodies our babies. Rising male infertility and superfund sites and ozone depletion. Rivers damned and salmon doomed. Topsoil loss and fertilizer runoff. Huge oceanic deadzones and depleted fisheries. And the ghosts of silent whales scraping over the corpses of coral reefs.
The monsters advance and forests collapse under their feet, leaving indiginous cultures battered, homeless, soulsick or dead. Tigers and salmon and tree frogs and falcons stumble down the path toward extinction; their heart rending voices lost under the chatter of chainsaws and the coughing of a bulldozer.