
Turkey Tacos

“Tim! ’Tis time to travel to Turkey Taco Tavern!” tweeted Torrie.

“Torrie, please don’t use alliteration around me, you know how I feel about that,” Tim replied.

“I’m just trying to be creative Tim, Turkey Tacos are not really that exciting on their own. Turkeys in general are just the pricks of the bird world. I had to do something to get you motivated for this trip,” Torrie remarked, her tone now much more appropriate to the impending meal.

“Well Torrie, I mean, it’s true Turkeys are pricks but, let’s not hate on them too much, they get enough grief from the world the way it is. You know Turkeys suffer the most hate crimes of any feathered animal?”


“Yeah, think about that next time you have Thanksgiving Dinner. I wonder why they call it Turkey Taco Tavern anyways? Sounds ridiculous,” said Tim, as he walked through the doors stenciled with Turkeys.

“Oh my God…” Torrie whispered as she walked in to see a room filled with giant drunk Turkeys in sombreros.

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