comical, like a telephone support person tied to the desk. she needs to invest in a mutable mic so she can wee and mute it in the line and he’ll never know.
Hot, hilarious, gross, it made me feel a lot of different things! There are many ways I could describe it— but no matter what it certainly wasn’t composed perfunctorily ;) Nice one.
the bathroom…. we’ve all had to go while on the phone, it’s just a matter of whom you are talking to whether you feel comfortable or not using the facilities while talking. :P
How funny that I read this today. Just this morning at work I walked into the bathroom and the two stalls are taken which isn’t a problem as I just wanted to use the urinal.
I approach take care of things and one guy in the stall is talking on his cell phone. With several moments to kill I began to ponder whether talking on the phone while riding the porcelain pony is really appropriate or not, and wondering just who I could discuss such a thing with.