lol! I know that trip! but it wasn’t a vacation for me, it was to grandma’s about 4 times a year. I never peed on the side of the road, but we all know what that relief feels like!
>checking my birthdate < It is fiction, but the whole “writing your name with your pee” boy’s club would be an interesting topic for a piece of fiction, for sure!
Hilarious moment and definitely reminded me of my childhood, though we used empty apple juice bottles so we wouldn’t even have to stop the car. Nice and effective voice for your protagonist/narrator as well.
And yes, the ‘writing your name with your pee’ club is an austere and elite fraternity to which I proudly belong.
maybe if your name was “I” or “O”, otherwise the hula moves and strange crab crawl you’d have to do to spell would be comical to watch. Unless you cheated and poured it from those apple juice containers..