
My Angel

I’ve lost my angel. My guardian, my protector, my guiding light, he’s gone from me.
I need to find him. My friend, my brother, my connection to something that is bigger than you and me. He helps keep me whole, keep me sane.
I don’t know where he is and I don’t know if he’s coming back. I miss him.
It’s like being lost. In the dark, an empty space with no air. It’s cold here with out him, I’m stumbling in this void. I’m lost with no light, no one to guide me, no one to help me when I fall.
Where is he? What happened to him? What did I do so wrong that made God take him away? Or was it just his time to go? Did God just decide I didn’t need him anymore, because I do.
Without him, there’s a hole, deep down inside of me, slowly growing bigger and bigger, eating me alive. Without my angel, my friend, my light in this dark hell I call my life, my own light is not enough to guide me.

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