

Once upon a time, a young writer was trying to write a short story on Ficly.

So far, no ideas had come to mind. No matter how much he tried to ignite an idea within the ether of his imagination, bugger all would happen.

Suddenly, there was a crackle of electricity, a large suck of air, and in the middle of the room the young writer was sitting in, a hitherto not-there individual was inexplicably there.

The individual was the young writer.

The two Young Writers stared at each other, before Young Writer #2 broke the silence.

“Jack,” he said. “I am You, two hours from now.”

“I guessed as much, mate,” Jack #1 replied.

“Yes, well, we’ve been expecting this sort of thing to happen for quite a while now. But anyway – I’ve travelled back in time to tell you a great idea for a story!”

And so, Jack #2 recited to Jack #1 THIS VERY STORY, and Jack #1 typed it up, Ficly-ised it, and then travelled back in time – thus becoming Jack #2 – and recited to Jack #1 THIS VERY STORY, and Jack #1 typed it up…

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