
Psychic Assault: Break

Morgan continued to lean against the lamp post as she watched him pull himself to his feet. He swayed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand and smearing blood across his face. She slid a tendril of thought past the continuing maelstrom that battered the man and strengthened the mental anesthetic she had given him. It was the best she could do against so violent a Break.

He stumbled a couple steps toward her then stopped, closing his eyes. She could feel his mind already starting to knitting itself back together, settling the new synaptic connections that would, in time, give him access to extraordinary abilities. And if his Break was any indication, he was going to be very strong.

Opening his eyes, he tried to speak. She shook her head. Think clearly, I will hear you.

A jumble of fear, pain and confusion. She held out her hand, Answers in time. Come, safety awaits.

Shuffling forward, he took the proffered hand. Gently blunting the memories of those around them, she lead him slowly to Sanctuary.

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