Dr Who and the Flagrant Misuse of Science
“Romana, did you close the TARDIS door?”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“Well then, let’s see if we can get this old rattletrap going, shall we? It’s been so awfully moody of late. It’s the evil of the machine age. Perfect pistons and no manners.”
“It doesn’t sound like it’s willing to cooperate, Doctor. What shall we do now?”
“Let me think. Well, we do have a piece of the Key to Time that we collected on Ribos. It looks as though it might fit into this slot here.”
“Doctor, is that entirely wise?”
“Romana, it’s a flagrant misuse of science! However, it should be alright, I expe……..”
“Doctor! Doctor! Can you hear me? Are you alright?”
“The queen of spades! Someone is going to die!”
“Doctor! Snap out of it! Wake up! Please!”
“Yes, Doctor?”
“I’m lying on the floor, aren’t I?”
“Yes, Doctor.”