Free Don Part 6
I was naked except for my socks. Sweat dripped off me and I looked around at the strange room. The couch I was sitting on smelled like cats and cigarettes. She sat in a chair in front of me and smiled. My heart thumped and thumped.
“You know I love you Don.” she said as she opened her clenched fist. A purple pill sat in the center of her hand and it glowed and swirled. It turned the whole room purple in its light. “You know I love you.” she repeated as she held the pill out in front of her. Her eyes stared at me like twin black holes, sucking in all the purple light. I took the pill and held in my hand.
It was so beautiful. I stared and watched it swirl and images danced inside it. I could see myself as child playing with my brothers. I could see my mother and father holding my hands. My first bike, my first kiss, my first car. All mine. All my memories. All Don.
“Take the pill Don.” she said. Her eyes drew me in.