
The Real Victor

With each fall of the sword, the beast’s insides became more visible but no blood fell.

With a great clang, the beast dropped his weapon.

The beast collapsed, and with one mighty slash, the beast’s chest was open. The sword fell length-wise into the wound and the sword’s blade, which contained flecks of red, began to show even more such spots.

The warrior stumbled back, and the armour returned to its primary form of begin two great wrist cuffs and a heavy necklace.

He blinked; his face twisted, and he grabbed the beast’s fallen sword and, summoning everything left brought it down on the sword he had just been wielding.

But nothing.

The warrior screamed and through the beast’s weapon.


“No,” came the reply. “You wanted power again; now you must feed your blessing”

The warrior began to gather what magic he could – maybe he could defend his mind. But, before he could gather the words in his mind, his left eye began to glow red.

He knelt down and reached out for the ‘gift’.

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