
The Full Metal Chicken

Seriously I can only write 1024 here too.

Well I’ve been writing for myself and others for a few years now and always seemed to either write too much or too little to make any kind of format work correctly. And when I found out about Ficly (Thank you Wil Wheaton) It seemed perfect. 4 stories in and 10 drafts in the works I know it is.

Most of my stuff is badly written I know that. But the idea’s are right.

I’ve found an editor to wrangle the words in with all the right punctuation. But proofreading and the other things that I never learned after years of English class I have yet to fix or find someone who can either keep up with my work pace or treat my babies (writing) with the right mix of punishment and respect.

I write what makes me laugh and generally only put an hour into each piece. Never expect greatness from my work just something funny or something to put a smile on your face. I write for fun never to offend.

Thank you and please enjoy.

PS I’m keeping these last 3 characters for my own HA.

Stories (20)

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