Days After
(11/12/10 – Day 109)
Today I decided to take a walk by myself.
It was absolutely amazing being by myself.
Its been a long time since I’ve enjoyed the the cool autumn breeze
And watched the different color leaves fall down.
Its been a long time since I’ve written in this journal.
Philadelphia is gorgeous this time around,
I have my sweet caramel hot chocolate in my hand.
Children giggles fill the air,
My favorite scarf caress my skin when the wind blow
I want to forget him but I do miss him…
I can’t think about the past
His kiss is still left on my neck
and his breath still on my chest
But I’m fine by myself, he needed time a part.
I walked only a few steps further,
And I saw him playing with some kids in the playground.
He looked so happy, but we haven’t spoke since…
I was stuck, and couldn’t move.
What will he say?
What will I do?
I haven’t seen his smile in so long.
I’m afraid, and then he looks at me.
I inhaled, yet never exhaled
and I watched him walk to me…
I don’t no what to do…