Time was fixed - 3
The cold encroaches on my thoughts.
It is troubling.
I speed back and forth along the timelines, seeking the source of my trouble. But the device must be protected.
This is a conflict of interests that I am not used to, made worse by the fact that the original encounter never actually happened, or happened differently.
I find this vexing – another feeling I have never before experienced.
I will try to deduce what happened. I will find it, however long it takes. Time has no meaning to a creature unimpeded by the fourth dimension.
I examine the lonely spot which I inhabit across the aeons, looking for the truth. I will try to find it.
I have made a great discovery with that decision.
Destiny is no longer something fixed, immutable. My eye has been opened to its true nature. Destiny is something you go searching for.
And I will find it.