Fascinating. I’m glad I stumbled upon this! I agree with Doc THX, two posts earlier. This is a sort of Dr. Who with a — omnipresent yet lost — divine-comedy twist. I wrote a fiction blog similar in sentiment to this, once. You can find it here, if you care: http://5ws1h.wordpress.com
I’m glad I stumbled upon this! I agree with Doc THX, two posts earlier. This is a sort of Dr. Who with a — omnipresent yet lost — divine-comedy twist.
I wrote a fiction blog similar in sentiment to this, once. You can find it here, if you care: http://5ws1h.wordpress.com
Thanks. The blog looks god and when I next get a moment, I’ll have a more comprihensive read than the cursory glance I just gave it. Thanks again.
Sir Bic