
Cloud in Paper

Interview 55: Jacob Kuzmanowski

The bed? Is all anyone asks me about, that’s the truth of the matter.
Yes, I have not left my bed for many years. I can tell you why, yes. You would like to know?
This is how I see it. It’s one bed, yes. Look at the bed. What is it?
Wood, yes. Wood that is from a tree, or trees. Trees that were chopped down by men and machines. In the tree is rain, from clouds. In the rain is water, from ocean. In ocean is all of land; in these things is all everything. It’s all from an explosion, a star exploding, all this material. We all share this.
We’re family. In the bed is all everything, for all everything was necessary for bed to be. In bed is all this family material, and human labor. Lumberjack. Carpenter. Salesman. Dinner was riding on this bed for many people. All these things are together in this bed. I’m in bed with everything. So I stay in bed, and that way I don’t miss anything.
I think it’s the people who leave the bed who miss out on the world.

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