In Case Of A Musical
“In Case of a Musical” is a heart warming documentary of how one small town joined together to re-create a 1960s musical experience in their little Utahan town. “In Case of a Musical” was shot over several generations beginning in 2540 and was finally released to the eager public in 2582. While only few have speculated as to what the ancient days of the 1960s must have been like for a small town in Utah, “In Case of A Musical” is considered by historians to be an extremely accurate portrayal complete with “groovy” drug scenes, free love, and inferior (to today’s standard) robots. “In Case of a Musical” is a must see family film that brings the hardships and joys felt by both the ancient Utahans and modern day inhabitants of Utah, China into your home. If you ever have a chance to visit this town for yourself you will discover that the non-stop singing is just as beautiful as portrayed in the film. Just make sure to sing instead of speak or you’ll be escorted permanently out of the town!