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What is more, the kids these days have always had the internet, wire less and high speed for most of their lives. They move with a speed that is dizzying to their parents and incomprehensible to their grandparents. The grand parents recognize something in their grandchildren that the parents do not, the restless young dissatisfaction with the world. That aimless undirected anxiety that knows there is a problem, but can’t conceive a solution and instead, wallows in hedonism. They were once dizzying to their depression age parents and incomprehensible to their early 20th century grandparents.

To these kids, the excoriations of a would be Robin Hood guerrilla capitalist are a sirens song. The rules and the regulators move too slow to worry about them. Get in, make your money and get out, if you have to, before anyone can know your name. You can make a few thousand before anyone knows you’re there and perhaps a million before they think to investigate.

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