

She had died, years ago. He knew she had died- he had watched her, had held her hand as her pulse slowed, then stopped, had touched her cold skin, had closed her blank, lifeless eyes. She had died when that demon had attacked their small town, all of those years ago, along with so many others in their town.

He had thought that he had accepted it. Yet, now, as he watched the person standing in his doorway, silhouetted by moonlight, he could only be confused. What… What was…

“Hello, Sorril,” she said softly, coldly, as she lifted her hand.


Filled with endless confusion, he reached out for her, started to step towards her. But she waved her hand at him, something black surrounding her fingers. She was doing something, but…

…He would never find out what. As he reached for her, silently crying her name, everything went black.

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