Her Problem
“Do you have anymore unfinished business?” The knight thought.
“Will you marry me?”
“What was that? Are you trying to be funny?” She was suspicious.
“I am not. I have fallen for you and your beauty. I know now I am dead, but that does not change the fact this body still lives. I still feel, get hurt, know pleasure. Will you stay and live with me?”
“I cannot stay with you. That would be crazy. This is a place I cannot hope of living in.”
“What are you saying? You have stayed here this long, have you not? What forbids you from staying? As my love for you forbids me from passing?”
She began to look troubled. “I have a life to take care of in my own world. A child. He is my son.”
“If you are not taking care of him now why can’t you not take care of him-”
“He is my son, Knight. If I cannot love I will have an irresistible urge to be responsible.”