Experiencing the pain of love
I miss you. I miss you so much. Missing you hurts, it hurts me in my body.
In my flesh.
When I stop and be silent, I feel a cropped up excruciating feeling. An acid sadness and a thorny hopelessness wrapped around me, suffocating me, smothering me. It is like being in a situation in which you really do not want to be, and you are very aware of it at that exact time. And not being able to do anything about it, that all I can do is to let time pass, is torturing me. It is mutilating me, maiming me, leaving scars inside of me, which will not heal in time.
All I can think of is a need to be with you, right now. No matter how, I need to take a car, a train, a plane, whatever, and go to you. Decrease the distance between us, between our bodies, between our souls. It is not my mind speaking to me in any reasonable fashion. Like biological impulses or bodily reflexes my whole existence wants to indulge itself in yours. And if I don’t do so soon, I will not be able to continue.