Lunch story: Variation 2: 1001 Nights
He tried to catch my eye and extended a hand out towards me. Nestled in his palm was a thick golden chain and a heavy gold ring. Perhaps he thought I had lost them?
“How much?” he said, with an urgent tone.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any cash I’m afraid.”
The ring shone in the pale winter sun, I had to have it. I reached into my jacket for my wallet, sadly thin for I am but a poor student.
“All I have is £10, will that be enough?”
He took my hand, and poured the chain and ring into it, curling my fingers over the top.
“Freely offered, freely taken.” He said with a sigh.
A voice sprang up in the back of my head. “What is your wish O wise and powerful master?”
I started, catching my wits in time to grab the man’s sleeve as he walked away.
“Who are you? What is this?”
“My name is Allah Al Din, I am sorry for my deception, I hope you find pleasure in the wishes, before they become as much a curse for you as they have for me.”
He smiled sadly, shook off my hand and walked away.