
Satire & Sadness

Lord Berundy had been a long standing advocate of remaining single, but fell prey to the pressures of a society which demanded alliance and progeny – ideally in that order – and thus found himself wed to the beautiful Countess of Adlerbury. Seventeen years following their union, the Countess concluded that her life was altogether too perfect, and she abruptly predeceased him. Lord Berundy himself became the widower patriarch of a long line of daughters, each of whom were wed for convenience, and, like their mother, subsequently died from it.

Lord Berundy was now the father-in-law of six widowers, like himself. Unlike him, however, these unfortunate men were young and had many prospects. Each set out into the world slightly altered by the sadness of their situation, but made the best of things, except for the man who had married and lost the lord’s youngest daughter. He went by the surname of Kessidy, and was a congenial fellow who made good company and conversation for Berundy until his last days.

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