Eww, the last line totally made it for me. It’s a great moment, a bit of realistic strategical thinking in the midst of a crazy situation. Nice humor about it too, which always goes well with a zombie story.
It’s lovely and descriptive, you get to the heart of the matter right away, but the suspension of disbelief is a bit of a stretch in my reading. Why would the attic of his house be the only one with running water and a sewer line?
Though, that said, everything was there, survival, planning and sanctuary. A reasonable suspension of disbelief is pretty much the last thing that’s important in a zombie story.
The idea is that he could hole up in the attic and that the zombies could not get into it. Zombies could climb stairs but not pull down the ladder and get up to the attic. That was my idea behind it :)
yeah shooting mom would be a problem.. but she isn’t mom anymore. @Akhelios, he wouldn’t know what other attics might have running water, and we have to assume not many. I can’t think of any in my neighborhood..