
Basic Instincts

The beast advanced with sinuous grace. K’bars were known for their ferocity more than their size, wielding savage teeth and claws that could shred flesh as well as any sword. Females took living prey to feed their cubs.

All this was running through Belle’s head, as she trembled in fear. She wasn’t supposed to be here. It was an accident. Oh God, she was going to die.

Belle looked into the K’bar’s eyes and saw neither mercy nor pity. Her last thought was that she was about to become an intimate part of the circle of life.

Starting more than fifty feet away, the deadly creature was now less than twenty, stalking its prey as it would in its native environment.

Something snapped inside of Belle. Overcome with the prospect of her imminent death, she ran around the room, shrieking and waving her arms. Her eyes, so white and wide that she looked like fear itself.

The K’bar stopped moving and then took a step back from all the commotion. Once clear of the raving mad woman, the cat-like creature slunk away.

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