
As Life Crumbles

Hearing footsteps down the hall, I slipped into the closet.
If he caught me in his study, I would be dead.
He opened the door and drunkenly made his way to a chair.
Minutes after a slender blonde woman came prancing into the room.
“Are you sure she’s gone?” she asked my husband in a baby voice.
He waved her over to his lap.
“I’m sure kitten.”
My heart dropped as he said these words.
He used to call me kitten.
The young girl giggled and began to unbutton his shirt.
In shock I slouched to the back of the closet.
I couldn’t believe it.
All these years that we had together meant nothing to him.
My whole life crumbled before me.
I even felt the walls shake as I quietly wept.
It wasn’t until I stopped crying that I even noticed what had happened.

As I opened the closet door, I found the young girl laying on top of my husband.
Blood spewed from their heads, because of the impact the ceiling tiles had had on their brains.
They didn’t survive the earthquake.
But I had.

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