Virtually Immortal
Argan had heard the rogue, but he couldn’t see him. He held his breath and waited, trying to hear.
“What is it, master?” Kal’Thang grumbled at his side.
“Shut up you fool!” Argan spat.
It was an opening the rogue had been waiting for. Suddenly he was behind the warlock, and a blow to the head sent Argan’s world spinning away.
“I’ll save you master!” Kal’Thang gurgled excitedly, hurling balls of fire at their attacker. The excitement quickly faded, as it became apparent they were not very effective.
Shaking his head clear, Argan turned to face his attacker, summoning forth the vilest of nightmares to scare him away. But they passed through harmlessly. The rogue seemed like a nightmare unto himself, cloaked in shadow.
It was over in seconds, and Chris began the slow walk back to his corpse, hoping the rogue wasn’t still there. He wondered what the point was, if it wasn’t even fun anymore.
Some part of him had been afraid to type in /played for awhile now too.
Such is the price of immortality.