Oscar's Field
The early Autumn noon sun beat down on Oscar’s Field, banishing all shadows. The knee high grass fighting to hang on to its lush summer green, a fight it would surely lose in the coming weeks.
There is a young girl lying in the field, the grass standing tall all around her. She looks peaceful, resting on her back, one arm to her side with the other raised above her head, gently tangled in her raven dark hair. She is dressed well, wearing a bright yellow sun dress with matching pumps and a silk sash tied around her waist. Her lips are a dark red, contrasting against her soft pale skin. Her eyes are closed, a light touch of eye shadow swiped across each eyelid.
No one knows her name, there is nothing to identify her and for the time being nobody has claimed her. She appears to be napping in the warm golden light, yet the thin trail of blood running from the corner of her mouth exposes the lie.