A Little Push
“Sometimes all we need is a little push.”
That’s what everyone says. Just a little push and everything will be ok again. I don’t think so. Sometimes when people are given “a little push” they break. That little push could be the difference between sane and insane. When a person is pushed beyond that point, all hell breaks loose. Then you know something’s wrong and things will never be the same again.
That’s what I found out that day. That miserable day when everything became real and nothing mattered except keeping them safe—protected.
I’d failed everyone that day, myself included. If I’d done something maybe things would be different.
If I had done my job maybe they wouldn’t be broken and they wouldn’t be hurting even now, months afterwards. I will never forget what happened. I will never forget her screams, his threats. I will never forget the day the truth came out. The nightmares will haunt me forever.
My world was never the same again.