
Frank's Map

Frank is a man with a problem. He has been doing drugs since the age of fourteen. First weed, than some pills that made him see things and finally needles.

I’m not sure what kind of sweet venom he’s actually putting into his bloodstream. I’m not a drug guy, I’m just the guy telling the story. Whatever it is, it makes him not only see things like the pills, but it also made him feel, hear and believe things that aren’t at all real. This as you might suspect could cause some troubles for the once “Most likely to marry a beautiful woman” award recipient.

Frank is convinced that he has found a treasure map. He was at his grandfather’s house the night he died. Everyone else in Frank’s family was at the hospital saying good-bye to Pappy. Frank was looking for a stash of cash. What he found was a map, made by Pappy. It was more of a list of instructions with some arrows and other drawings. Not so much like a map that we’d pull out to get to Boston. Still it was a map.

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