The Hunters
Sal knew it was a bad idea to go to the easter egg hunt. A day of fun for the little ones the leaflet had said. Her husband had thought it would be a good day for their 3 year old girl, but Sal knew she was too young. The children had pushed Lisa aside as the hunt started. A brat with a red dress had stared at lisa before elbowing her was past and into a pile of kids searching the flower beds. Now Sal and Lisa wandered the park looking for eggs that may have been missed. Children walked by them with their bags full of eggs while Lisa swung her empty rabbit shaped bag around and around.
“When will we find some eggs mammy?,” she asked.
“Oh I dont know, maybe we will get some at the shop,” she said still looking around, knowing there were none left.
“Psst, hey”. They both heard it and stopped. “Over here,” The girl in the red dress was calling lisa from behind a tree. Lisa ran over.
“Hurray,” cried lisa as she found the hidden eggs.
“That was fun,” the girl said as she walked away holding her empty bag.