Ew, time travel gone horribly, horribly wrong. Confusing, but I think it works, both for the story overall and his current state. Amazing where this story has gone, thanks to you and Abstract.
I know, it’s amazing, innit? I mean, when I first started the story, I hadn’t really got a clue where the story might go. I knew what the power would be, and the limitations of it, and the character’s way of talking about it. I just pictured him as being like you or me – a regular guy caught up in something really frakkin’ weird. Then you added to the story last year, and with your help, we carved a path for the story that I never could’ve imagined. For a while, though, I lost touch with Ficly and went on to other things… …but then Mr. Abstract came along and discovered the story, and now thanks to him, the story is even more interesting, even longer, and a lot more popular with fellow Ficly-teers than it was last year. So, yeah…it’s amazing, really…