Tight Fit
They call it a DuckSuit because ducking is the most exaggerated reflex a human can do when trying to avoid something while standing still; Flying Qantum Fists, Invincible Machetes, Black Adder Bullets, GigaBight Javelins, Bolt Whips, and the precise Flaying Star.
My Suit is powered by two Hunter’s and Sachs organs harvested from the Knifefish, then transplanted into me. Now I produce my own electrical field which charges up the suite. The goal is to evade all long range weapons and with the suit, this is realistically possible.
Illegal hand weapons have become so redundant that most cancel each other out. Municipal police couldn’t keep up and a special force was created, the Grappling Squad. In close combat, I’m on my own. I have all the training I need for that, I’m the best there is, but I have to get my enemies in my grasp; I am in the most danger when running away.
READY TEST: Dodge, parry, twirl, jump and twist. And when the big weapons fly, charge up your DuckSuit, and go introduce yourself.