Could you clarify the third paragraph, especially the last sentence? You mix up your tenses some, too, which makes it awkward.
You could stand to be a little more evocative, unless blandness was your intent, than you could be a little more dull. Right now you’re stuck in the middle and it’s just a bit too pedestrian in tone.
Other than that I can’t really think of anything.
I took it as the guilt the husband of a chronic depressive feels for leading a productive, then happy life as an effectively single man. Was that the intent? A bizarre mix of conflicted emotions, difficult to untangle. I like it.
Do you get tired of seeing me say “I dig this,” on your stories all the time, Shank?
In this case I enjoy it because it frames something that I (and I think everybody) have felt in relationships – the illicit pleasure of the parts of your day that you spend alone, and the little thrill of possessing a secret (harmless or otherwise).
The last line does leave one curious; what is too far? Also she must sleep a lot.