The stars were dim in the night sky, washed out by the bright lights of the city. The man at the window couldn’t sleep, the opening letting in the muggy night air and the sounds of the late night traffic. He had tossed and turned for what seemed like hours before climbing out of his sheets and standing, staring at the sky. He knew it wasn’t the temperature or the noise that kept him from sleeping. He turned from the sky and looked at his bed, at the empty spot next to where he had been lying. That emptiness, reflecting the void in his heart was why he couldn’t sleep. She wasn’t lying next to him. He missed her, without her there the whole world seemed wrong, in little ways. There was a nagging doubt in the back of his mind that wouldn’t disappear until she was in his arms again. He turned from the bed, a sigh slipping out of his mouth. He stared out his window at the stars, he could still see Orion, shining in the night. He knew that she stared up at the same stars halfway across the world, missing him too.