
In the Garden: A Different Rose...

“Did you take my kohl again?” Honey asked as she looked through the drawers of her dressing table.

A man’s hand appeared over her shoulder. She kissed his knuckles before taking her cosmetic. “The last one I bought was just rubbish,” Dandy answered.

“That’s what you get for buying cheap…” Honey murmured as she leaned forward to line her eyes with smoke. When she was done she looked at them both in the mirror. The same fall of straight chestnut hair, grey green eyes large in a pale face. They were the Twins, Honeysuckle and Dandelion, two of The Garden’s best.

Dandy stepped back and held out a hand to her. She rose and moved into him, her face lifted for a kiss. He brushed a thumb across her cheek.

The door to their suite opened, revealing a woman in a deep red gown, her blue eyes luminous in the candle light. The Twins bowed and Dandy said, “Mother Rose, we were just about to meet our gardener downstairs.”

“Not tonight darlings,” she said, her smile full of secrets, “Tonight he needs a different Rose.”

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