
Charon of the Subway

I stood on the platform. To my right, the tube to Hammersmith. To my left, Aldgate East. I hesitated. The hammer of the Gods seems like a suitable metaphor. Then again, a Gate works just as well. I could even picture myself slamming the gate behind, on my way to the afterlife.

Reverting to old habits, I took my coin. Heads, the hammer. The coin glittered as it spun in the air… and then it was snatched by a boy in rags, who ran away laughing. My coin! I ran after him, pushing passersby aside.

Outside, it was raining. I was out of breath, and the thief was out of sight. Suddenly I smiled, laughed at the irony of my greed being stronger than my depression. I wouldn’t have needed that coin, where I was headed.

Was it the run, was it the laugh? I didn’t need the coin anymore. I had made my choice.

I took a cab.

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