
The Bench: Road Trip!

“I’ve lost something.”
“Not sure. Feels weird.”
“Well when’d you lose it?”
“Dunno, man. Think it’s just hit me.”
Kay stared at the back of his oldest friend. He was standing a little too close to the cliff edge tracing the horizon for some unknown something. “What in the fuck are you talking about?”
“Like, I’ve been doing my business, y’know. Doing everything and nothing – and hell, it felt good for awhile. Years now. But lately I’ve been waking up feeling as if something is missing.”
“Jez, man. Its 5 in the morning, sun’s coming up, and we’re drunk again. And I know its time for some silly existential bullshit talk, but christ, could you be any more vague?”
Jez turned and raised his hands into the air to stretch and muffled through a yawn, “I couldn’t be any more specific though.” Shuffling slowly over he sat down next to Kay, the wooden bench creaking softly. For a short while, a certain silence echoed between them.
“So – what?”
“I’m leaving, man. I’m done. I’m out! And you should come with me.”

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